Structural Integration


Our sessions will be



Our sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current posture and compensations to build the ultimate 10 series for your needs.


Each session has an intention that builds off of the last. We will begin with the outer layers fascia, followed by the core layers and then we will incorporate integration.


Structural Integration allows the human body to live and move in harmony. The body can move past external and internal conflicts to reach overall integration of body and spirit.


How you’ll feel

less pain, increased mobility and overall improved wellbeing

What you’ll receive

alignment diagram.jpg
  • 10 personalized structural integration sessions (90-120 minutes per session)

  • Movement education and enhanced body awareness

  • Release chronic pain, tension and stress

  • Increased flexibility and mobility

  • Overall alignment and improved posture

  • Change your life today and expand your sense of wellbeing!



what is structural integration?

Dr. Ida P. Rolf developed the process of Structural Integration as a holistic system combining soft tissue manipulation and movement education to restore the body to its natural state of alignment and balance - by lengthening, restoring, and reorganizing the FASCIA, the connective tissue matrix of the body.

Dr. Rolf's work is based on the insight that your body is more at ease and functions most effectively when its structure is balanced along the vertical line of gravity. In this place, gravity gently lifts and supports your body rather than pulling it down. By systematically restoring the integrity of your fascial system, your body becomes aligned and the entire system can be a smoothly functioning and coordinated whole.

The field of gravity is an unseen force consistently interacting with the human body. Structural Integration re-educates the person and the human body to live and move in harmony with the field of gravity instead of being in conflict with it.

where did you get certified?

The New School of Structural Integration (NEWSSI). NEWSSI is dedicated to teaching the life and legacy of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, which is the classic 10-Series of Structural Integration. Upon this foundation, they instill a thorough understanding of structural assessment, theory, application, biomechanics, movement education and dialogue skills to produce an efficient route for future practitioners to attain profound results.

what is fascia?

Fascia surrounds and supports all of the muscles, bones and organs in your body in continuous web-like layers. This fascial net, or connective tissue matrix, is the body's internal system of flexible support - giving it strength and shape. The fascial system responds to injury, chronic tension and habitual movement patterns by shortening from both the forces of gravity and the mechanical forces of habitual movement patterns. When your fascia shortens, thickens and becomes glue-like, it locks in less-than optimal patterns of strain and pulls your body out of alignment.

why 10 sessions?

Structural Integration is a system used to align and balance the physical body within its gravitational field by freeing and reorganizing the myofascia, or connective tissue that surrounds the muscles. Dr. Rolf discovered that the body is organized in layers and that in order to create lasting change, the Structural Integration Series must create length and space in the outermost layers before working with deeper, more core layers in the body. Structural Integration is a ‘system’ of ten sessions. The first three sessions are called “The Sleeve” and cover the superficial fascia, the middle four sessions are called “The Core” and cover the deeper myofascial structures, and the last three sessions are called “Integrative” and create structural and functional adaptability within the whole body.

what can i expect?

Say hello to feeling like yourself again at the completion of your 10 series! The journey through the 10 series might have you feeling slightly off or unbalanced as the work to your fascia settles and your body relearns certain movements while in alignment.